• jeu d'enfants n° 8   dioxyd avec menottes amsterdam 04


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                             superdiscount..le patron est devenu fou !

                                               (offert - pas à vendre)

    7 commentaires
  •                                        HOW DOES IT WORK????

    The penis is made up of 3 chambers, 2 large ones on top, which is your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa), and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom from which you urinate and ejaculate (Corpus Spongisum).When you are sexually aroused, your brain releases a hormone causing blood to enter the penis and fill your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa).Corpora The cells in the Corpora Cavernosa are filled with blood until an erection is achieved.


    FACT: 76% are not satisfied with their size.

                            *extrait d'un spam reçu dans mes mails.. de la part de virginia

       C i I m A q L = I & S .

       V : I a A + G k R r A i

       V & A c L g I y U ( M ;

       X w A t N d A - X r        **

     **  encore un autre spam ..  virginia - laisse moi trakilL !

    6 commentaires
  •           pascaL

                                      un guérrier au repos..

    1 commentaire